Testing a structured method approach to design embedded control software for a slider setup

There are some challenges while designing a cyber-physical system. To come to a successful and reliable design it is important to remove errors as early as possible, since eliminating errors at the end stage of the design can be very time costly. One approach to design a cyber-physical system regarding control software is the structured method, which makes use of an iterative process. This iterative process first breaks down the control system into different control features, and each control feature is then developed with a loop in such a way that with every cycle more detail and complexity is added. The order of addition of the different details are important to make the process as efficient as possible in time effectiveness and in detecting errors.

The structured method is tested by using the method on a design of a cyber-physical-system. In the presentation the testing will be elucidated, and the evaluation of the method will be discussed. At the end a final conclusion will be drawn on how effective the application of the method was to the design process.