Contact us

You can find the details to get in contact with us below.

Please only use this for general contact or inquiry. If you are a student and would like to do an assignment, send an email to the contact person that is associated to that assignment. If you would like to know more about specific research, please refer to the project lead of the project or research you are interested in.

You can find us in the Carré building (#15 on the Campusmap) diagonal opposite of the entrance. Note that the main entrance is called Hal-B, #13 on the Campusmap). Walking routes, parking places and a wheel chair / segway entrance are indicated on this annotated google map

Enter the building at the main entrance ("floor 1"), walk up the stairs and next the smaller stairs. This brings you to "floor 2" (see left picture below). Go through the doors and follow the wide corridor until the end. Then go slightly to the left and walk about 10 metres in the smaller corridor. Take the stairs at your left up to "floor 3" (see right picture below).


Carré building floor 2             Carré building floor 3


Postal Address

Control Laboratory, EL/RAM
Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
Mathematics & Computer Science
University of Twente
P.O. Box 217
7500 AE Enschede
The Netherlands 
phone: +31 53 489 2626

Courier / Navigation Address

Hallenweg 15,
7522 NH Enschede
The Netherlands

Geographic Location

N 52.23875, E 6.85695