Home about us students ahmed tamer salah abdo ali Ahmed Tamer Salah Abdo Ali E-mail ahmedtamersalahabdoali@student.utwente.nl Assignments Assessment of the trajectory control performance on the Omnimorph, an omnidirectional morphing multirotor UAV (MSc assignment) Control of redundant mechanical systems in the presence of external disturbances (Literature Study) Control of redundant mechanical systems in the presence of external disturbances (BSc assignment) Presentations Control of redundant mechanical systems in the presence of external disturbances BSc presentation, Fri, 08/07/2022 - 09:00 , Carré 3F Control of redundant mechanical systems in the presence of external disturbances BSc presentation, Fri, 08/07/2022 - 09:00 , Carré 3F