3D printing offers new fabrication possibilities for producing components and products. Nowadays, 3D printers can use multiple materials within one 3D printed structure. This makes it possible to create conductive structures within a 3D printed structure, using carbon doped materials also known as conductive materials. These conductive materials can be used to produce different types of sensors. One of these types of sensors is a strain gauge, where the resistance changes due to the change in the conductive paths in the structure when strained.
The goal of the Bachelor thesis is to fully 3D print a sensorized pneumatic artificial muscle, this means the actuator shortens in length when actuated. The pneumatic artificial muscle is based on a McKibben actuator.
In order to accurately sense the change in length of the pneumatic artificial muscle, self-sensing will be built into the actuator. This will be done by using a strain gauge, where the resistance will change due to a change in the length of the actuator. The relation between the change in length and change in resistance will be characterised, which will make it possible to accurately control the pneumatic artificial muscle in the future.