Design of endovascular instruments known as catheters used in surgical procedures; minimally invasive procedures for the purpose of a medical simulator that helps estimate force exerted by the catheter on blood vessels and the path/deformation of the catheter due to interactions in the vasculature. This is then followed up with the design of some other catheter tips available commercially and verified by testing the catheter in real-world.
A user interface is designed to make this simulation easier with parameter customization and the addition of CathBot. CathBot is an endovascular robot used as an experimental robot mainly to work with the guiding of guidewires and catheters during a procedure. This bot comes with a Master manipulator and a remote manipulator, which are both MRI-safe. The Master manipulator is meant to move the instruments with guidance from users and therefore is integrated with the simulator to be able to move/control the catheter with the help of the CathBot.
The user interface is also tested and user feedback is taken into consideration for what could be improved in the future while integrating the CathBot with medical simulators.