Controlling Sunram 7 with a Space Mouse

MRI-guided biopsies are essential for diagnosing lesions in the breast. These biopsies are time-consuming and require well-trained staff.

The Sunram 7 is an MR-safe biopsy robot that aims to improve the quality of biopsies, or make them more accessible by needing less training to achieve the same quality level.

This presentation will be about controlling the Sunram 7 in a way that is quick to set up, accurate within 2 mm, and easy to use for inexperienced people.

Furthermore, it was tested whether there is an optimum control velocity in terms of speed versus accuracy.

The final design consists of the 3D SpaceMouse connected to a Teensy 4.1 microcontroller. The microcontroller handles communication between the SpaceMouse and the controller board of the Sunram 7. It also allows for changing the control velocity and imposing physical constraints in the software.

Tests were carried out to measure how long it takes for the system to be assembled completely and how much time it takes to start up when the power is turned off and on. Secondly, the accuracy of the control method was tested.

Moreover, a survey was carried out to test the usability of the system.

It was found that the system could be assembled completely in an average of 65 seconds, while the mean start up time was 2.1 s.

The mean error at the lowest velocity setting was 0.43 mm while the average overall error was 0.75 mm.

Participants who tried the system gave an average SUS score of 78.8 which indicates good to excellent usability.

If one wants the absolute most accuracy, velocity setting 3 (6.3 mm/s) was better. But if a little bit less accuracy can be tolerated, setting 9 (19 mm/s) yields a good trade-off between accuracy and movement time.

Overall, the Sunram 7 can be controlled in a relatively intuitive way using the 3D SpaceMouse.