Building a Virtual Environment Based on a Robot’s Perception

Finished: 2019-08-15

BSc assignment

By developing telerobotics, some complex tasks like the discovery and exploration of harsh environments for human operator in celestial and underseas structures can be performed. In this way human intelligence can still affect the activities while human access is difficult.

One way to promote the visualization based on robot’s perception is to render a virtual world in Virtual Reality engine, not only to provide a complete 3D view, but also to build a changeable environment for training rescue activities and urban searching. By using ROS (Robot Operating System) and SLAM, point-cloud data is transferred into the virtual environment through alternative platforms such as Unity3D, Unreal Engine 4 and Cocos3D.

The final virtual environment is aimed to have complete shapes with acceptable resolution, recognizable colors and smooth operations and reflections corresponding with human operators’ control.