Aerial manipulation of deformable objects

Finished: 2024-08-29

MSc assignment


Robotic aerial manipulation systems have met ceaseless growth in the past decade. Aerial robots have been endowed with manipulation capabilities through a variety of tools, including grippers, rigid tools, multi-dof arms, and cables. However, modeling and control of deformable aerial manipulation systems remain challenging. Even capturing the behavior of a deformable cable is not trivial, and cables have been often approximated as inextensible linear elements. Sometimes, the cable connected to the aerial robot has been modeled as an elastic spring [1], or a series of rigid links interconnected by passive spherical joints [2] [3] [4].

The objective of this assignment is to compute the model and design the control law of a complex system composed of multiple aerial robots physically connected through a net of cables. 

  • Consider a system composed of multiple multirotors connected through deformable passive elements, such as cables. Identify a suitable model for such a system. The steps will be: a study of the literature on cable-connected aerial robotic systems; identification of a suitable model (simple yet realistic); and validation of the model.
  • How to simulate such a system? Identify challenges, pros, and cons.


This MSc thesis will take place within the scope of the H2020 Aerial-Core European project.

[1]: Tognon, M., Gabellieri, C., Pallottino, L., and Franchi, A. "Aerial co-manipulation with cables: The role of internal force for equilibria, stability, and passivity." IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 3.3 (2018): 2577-2583.
[2]: Kotaru, P., and Sreenath, K. "Multiple quadrotors carrying a flexible hose: dynamics, differential flatness and control." IFAC-PapersOnLine 53.2 (2020): 8832-8839.
[3]: Kotaru, P., Wu, G., and Sreenath, K. "Differential-flatness and control of quadrotor (s) with a payload suspended through flexible cable (s)." 2018 Indian Control Conference (ICC). IEEE, 2018.
[4]: Goodarzi, F. A., Lee, D., and Lee, T. "Geometric stabilization of a quadrotor UAV with a payload connected by flexible cable." 2014 American Control Conference. IEEE, 2014.