DIH-HERO is an independent platform which connects Digital Innovation Hubs across Europe to create a sustaining network for all those who are active in the healthcare robotics sector. The project consortium consists of 17 core partners spread across 11 pan-European countries.
Our primary objective is to accelerate innovation in robotics for healthcare. To connect innovators, providers, businesses, users and politicians, DIH-HERO will establish an open online portal offering multiple services facilitating collaboration on various innovations, emphasizing the sharing of best practice and enhancing the delivery of innovation throughout the value chain. DIH-HERO especially focuses on supporting small and medium-sized enterprises in maximizing their impact and reducing time-to-market. By connecting businesses and healthcare stakeholders, DIH-HERO enables them to develop innovative products and services that are better fitted to the needs of the healthcare systems across Europe. Furthermore, DIH-HERO will engage in necessary standardization for robotics in healthcare, including ethical, legal and societal issues.
The route for embedding robotics in healthcare innovations in clinical practice is tough, time-consuming and requires substantial investments. It involves clinical testing, developing efficient production methods, reaching investors, establishing a company and handling distribution. Furthermore, multiple actors are working on various innovations in robotics. The major objective of the DIH-HERO project (Digital Innovation Hubs in Healthcare Robotics) is to establish a broad-based pan-European network of Digital Innovation Hubs specialized in Healthcare Robotics. The network focuses on providing services which connect business and healthcare stakeholders in developing innovative products and services for the healthcare market. It is aimed to establish channels between healthcare and technology providers that reduce barriers to adoption and create strong mutual understanding between robotics technology innovators and healthcare professionals. Each hub within DIH-HERO follows the ambition to deliver both technical and medical expertise through their pre-existing operational relationships with hospitals and healthcare facilities. This initiative unites expertise in business development, access to finance and innovation to robotics technology and healthcare expertise in a network of hubs that will connect and stimulate robotics innovation in all aspects of healthcare. Through this, the platform will significantly leverage added value throughout the entire value chain in the healthcare ecosystem, by sharing knowledge, connecting the right stakeholders and stimulating tailored investments. In addition, DIH-HERO is built on concrete plans to sustain the network beyond the time span of the project and to provide a long-term network for innovators in healthcare. The network of Digital Innovation Hubs will make a real difference through accelerating robotics innovation in healthcare, supporting SMEs and slightly larger companies to develop global reach and propagating the advantages of robotics-based healthcare across Europe, striving to bring excellent products and services to the market, to the best benefit of the end-consumer - the patient.
Link projectwebsite: https://dih-hero.eu