Home about us students jonathan schaaij Jonathan Schaaij E-mail j.c.schaaij@student.utwente.nl Assignments The best robot for the job: Optimising robot and actuation design through co-design (MSc assignment) Will follow (Literature Study) The self-sensing properties of continuous carbon fiber reinforced, 3D-printed beams as function of the number of reinforced perimeters (BSc assignment) Presentations The best robot for the job: Optimising robot and actuation design through co-design MSc presentation, Mon, 26/08/2024 - 13:00 , Carré 3446 The self-sensing properties of continuous carbon fiber reinforced, 3D-printed beams as function of the number of reinforced perimeters BSc presentation, Thu, 07/07/2022 - 15:30 , Carré 3446