TISCALI project uses impact echo method for non-destructive condition assessment of sewer pipes. The impact echo method mainly consists of three steps, namely stress-wave generation, signal acquisition, and signal analysis. My assignment focuses on the stress-wave generation step.
Previous work has resulted in an impactor prototype, which can generate stress-waves of desired energy and duration. The next step is to make impact on designated locations on the full range of the circumference inside the sewer pipe using this impactor. For this purpose, R4D4, a crawler robot that can move inside the pipe, has been built. In this assignment, I will develop a mechanism that can be mounted on R4O4 and bring the impactor to test locations. I will also test the performance of the current impactor and check its compatibility with the mechanism. If a new impactor design is more beneficial than the existing one, I will also develop a new impactor.
The goal of this assignment is to develop, build and validate a mechanism and impactor (if needed) for the stress-wave generation step of impact echo evaluation of the sewer pipes. In this assignment, I will design the mechanical, electrical, software and control components of the mechanism as well as implement and validate them.
Mechatronic solution for stress-wave generation using impact echo
Finished: 2021-06-15
MSc assignment